Oceano Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Workshop

Oceano Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Workshop
5/23/2023, 9:30 AM 1:00 PM
Oceano Community Center

Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Workshop reminder........

Whether it’s to the elementary school, Central Market, or the beach-- Oceano has a right to safe spaces to walk and ride bikes. Come learn how you can promote safe walking and biking and be part of a community-driven plan to build sidewalks, bike lanes, and safe crossings.

When: Tuesday, May 23rd, 9:30 – 1:00 pm
Where: Oceano Community Center- 1425 19th Street, Oceano

The workshop will include a presentation, small group discussions, and walk and bike assessments along key routes—so wear comfortable shoes! Spanish language translation will be provided and lunch will be served.

If you have any questions, contact Stephen Hanamaikai, San Luis Obispo Council of Governments, at 805-788-2104 or via email at [email protected]

Ya sea a la escuela primaria, a el Mercado Central o a la playa, la comunidad de Oceano tiene derecho a espacios seguros para peatones y ciclistas. Venga a aprender cómo puede fomentar la seguridad peatonal y ciclista y formar parte de un plan liderado por la comunidad para obtener aceras, carriles para bicicletas y cruces seguros.

Cuándo: Martes, 23 de mayo, 9:30 – 1:00 pm
Dónde: Oceano Community Center- 1425 19th Street, Oceano

El taller incluirá una presentación, discusiones en grupos, y evaluaciones de caminos peatonales y de bicicletas a lo largo de rutas clave, ¡así que use zapatos cómodos! La traducción al español será proporcionada y almuerzo será servido.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese por teléfono con Stephen Hanamaikai, del Consejo de Gobiernos de San Luis Obispo, al 805-788-2104 o por correo electrónico a [email protected]
SLOCOG and Nelson Nygard (on behalf of the state’s Active Transportation Resources Center) are excited to invite you to participate in the Oceano Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Workshop on Tuesday, May 23rd at the Oceano Community Center<https://goo.gl/maps/ZVqSFw1ueSQDmxh29>!

The purpose of the workshop is to:

  1. Provide County staff, community organizations, and residents with a toolkit for promoting pedestrian and bicyclist safety and inform future comprehensive active transportation planning and implementation efforts
  2. Strengthen the open and collaborative relationship between community organizations, residents, and County agencies; and
  3. Develop consensus regarding pedestrian and bicyclist improvement priorities and actionable next steps for the Oceano community

The workshop is a key step in developing the Oceano Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Action Plan and will include an overview of documented safety concerns, tools to document safety concerns, multidisciplinary approaches to improving safety, a facilitated walkability and bikeability assessment along key routes, and small group action planning discussions to develop community-prioritized safe routes to school improvements. The workshop will presented in Spanish and English.

Lunch will be provided!

Please pass this invitation along to other community members and stakeholders who could have interest in improving pedestrian and bicycle safety in Oceano, keep an eye out for a flyer to be posted around the community, and feel free to reach out with any questions.

All the best—

Stephen Hanamaikai
Programming & Project Delivery
(o) 805-788-2104
(c) 801-361-9729

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